Innovative Education - Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools

Israel Sci-Tech Schools focuses on two core priorities:

Israel Sci-Tech Schools’ curriculum is rich in cutting-edge, digital age content and hands-on learning. Our aim is to prepare our students for the ever-expanding era of technology, high-tech, biotechnology and science.

This dynamic learning process takes our students beyond the four walls of the classroom thanks to our fantastic partners, from Google to Elbit, and from Biosense Webster to the IDF.

We also export our curricula and training to the United States, Russia and Africa.  Here are just some of our innovative educational models.

i-STEAM (Innovation-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

Haredi Schools and Villages

Bedouin 13th Grade Multi-Dimensional Project

Science and Technology Tracks

OrTov is a national youth movement, which leads the Networks’ social-value and character-building efforts in helping schools implement educational programs for student social involvement and volunteering. More than 60,000 teens throughout Israel are involved in social responsibility and contributing to the community, shared society programming between Jewish and Arab teens, strengthening multigenerational bonds, raising awareness of the environment and sustainability, relieving the loneliness and isolation of Holocaust survivors, and combatting anti-Israel delegitimization and Anti-Semitism online.

Connected Generations: Our young tutors teach Holocaust survivors to use the Internet and write their own stories.

Sunflowers: Teenage students visit children and adolescents in hospitals to tutor and occupy them.

Eye2Israel:  In partnership with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, our 500 dedicated young reporters reach thousands worldwide.

Leadership Class 2050: This program provides students with tools for personal empowerment, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Signature Projects