A curriculum for teaching English as a foreign language in high schools, paired with higher-thinking skills. The 21st century is a challenging era for educators. In a constantly evolving and dynamic world, a world in which we are all subjected to an endless flow of information, we must equip our students with suitable tools for coping in a reality where they will have to learn and adapt to the challenges they encounter.
Developing thinking skills, just like learning a language, requires active practice. The Thinkin’ English study program offers an innovative way to study English while stimulating the acquisition of higher-order thinking skills. The teachers of this program will learn how to turn their English lessons into an enriching environment that encourages learning English while developing higher skills such as critical thinking, question asking, distinguishing between different points of view, etc.
The lessons in this program will be based on thought-provoking exercises that are suitable for learning a wide variety of topics on different levels. The program provides lesson formats on thought-provoking topics, as well as a “tool-box” for developing additional lessons.
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