Students Win Competition by Promoting Tolerance and Sharing - Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools

1,000 Arab and Jewish students from across the Israel Sci-Tech network of schools gathered as part of the “Bridges for Peace” conference. The experience and competition was created to encourage students to engage with each other, learn from each other, and live the values they are taught in our schools. The students worked throughout the school year to lead up to this day.

The conference was the creation of the Israel Sci-Tech Schools, the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation and Google Israel and was led by the “Or Tov” team at Sci-Tech.

The students were able to utilize much of what they learned in our schools. Together, our diverse students created murals, slogans, posters, and other ways to communicate coexistence.



The winning team was a joint effort of students from Israel Sci-Tech Bustan Al-Maraj and Israel Sci-Tech Alon Ben-Gurion in Afula who collaborated on a very special project. Together, in Arabic and Hebrew, they created a song as well as innovated an “Escape Room” game which required tolerance and understanding – along with collaboration in Arabic and Hebrew – to win.


Our goal is that the day of creativity, connections, fun and understanding will last a lifetime.

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