iSTEAM is the flagship program of the Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network and aims to prepare graduates for the challenges of the 21st-Century. The program is highly regarded internationally and is licensed to schools in the European Union, USA, Azerbaijan, and The Philippines. The program is based on students building multidisciplinary projects (including science, engineering, technology, and art). They acquire skills required in our changing worlds such as teamwork, critical thinking, innovative design, and entrepreneurship.
At Shalhevet Shocham School, the students focused on the transition to using solar power systems provides many advantages. The first obvious one is a significant reduction in electricity consumption expenses, the second is a contribution to the environment and taking a practical part in reducing the pollution and carbon footprint generated by fuel and coal-fired power plants. As part of the iSTEAM program, tier 9th-Grade students at Israel Sci-Tech Shalhevet Shoham School participated in a 4-class activity, in which they faced tasks of learning, researching, experimenting, and planning the physical principles of solar power system operation, development of mathematical calculations, and design of a system of economic viability with social responsibility.
To learn more about Israel Sci-Tech Schools’ innovative pedagogy, please visit

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